Merican-fest at The Cauldron

Event Date

Mar 11, 2016

11 kettlebell equipped Pax descended upon Torrence Creek Elementary for The Cauldron, led by YHC.  As YHC pulled into the parking lot I saw enough minivans for about 50 pax…what’s this, a rucktard convention?  Nope, just M’s dropping off their youngsters for a field trip. 

Warm-a-rama (unbeknownst to the pax, YHC sets 5 min timer on the Garmin and selects auto-restart option)

  • Mericans IC x 10

  • SSH IC x 15

  • IST IC x 10


  • KB lunges to shed…approx. 40 yards

  • Goblet squat IC x 10

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 10***

  • KB lunges to benches

  • Move to the benches.KB pull-overs.IC x 10

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 10***

  • Partner up…partner 1 farmer-carry’s both KB’s approximately 80 yards while partner 2 does LBCs.Switch


  • KB lunges to end of side-walk….approx 40 yards.

  • 10 pull-ups

  • Goblet squat IC x 10

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 10***

  • People’s chair

  • People’s chair with KB curls IC x 10

  • KB lunges to end of next sidewalk

  • KB swings OYO by 20…wait…the alarm

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 10***

  • KB swings OYO by 20.Frontier asks if we pick-up where we left off but he already knew the answer

  • Partner up…partner 1 farmer-carry’s both KB’s approximately 100 yards while partner 2 does Low-Flutters.Switch

  • KB lunges back to pull-up bars

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 10***

  • KB lunges back to pull-up bars…finish

  • 10 pull-ups or chin-ups…pax choice

  • Goblet squat IC x 10

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 15***

  • Zamperini back to benches

  • KB pull-overs IC x 10

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 10***

  • Zamperini to parking lot for Mary

  • Russian Twists IC x 10

  • J-Lo IC x 7

***ALARM!!!  Mericans IC x 11 for a total of 22 mericans***


  • Auto bought a kettlebell, can’t wait to see what size.He didn’t bring it today because it’s new and he didn’t want to scratch it up

  • Frontier has mad “handle”…at least that’s what the pax were thinking as he lunged walked while alternating the kb between his legs Muggsy Bogues-style, and beat the rest of the pax consistently by a large margin

  • YHC had brain-fog all morning…what is this squat called…oh yeah, the goblet squat.Get into the Preacher’s chair…I mean, the People’s Chair.The pax did their job and relentlessly berated the Q.

  • YHC correctly called the Russian Twist, thanks Olive for the back-handed compliment and defense from Frogger

  • Funky-town needs to visit The Sword on Monday’s

  • Mumble-chatter was strong, no surprise given the pax present.Fill in what was missed, forgotten, and/or mentally blocked out of YHC’s head in the comments below.

  • We ended with 22 Mericans…an estimated 22 veterans take their own life daily.Keep them in your prayers and as a reminder, do 22 mericans per day for the rest of the month.

  • Well led COT by Fiddy, thanks brother!
