Mericans and more mericans

9 Men showed for a #Hollywood beat down


10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Longsnappers IC
10 IST’s IC

Head to old launch point for The Thang:

5 sets of 3 exercises done to (10) 4-count reps. Each set has one upper body exercise, one leg exercise and one core exercise. After each set of three exercises, run up ramp, across lot, down stairs, and back to parking lot.

1. Merican, Squat, LBC
2. Incline mericans, jump squats, Big baby crunches
3. Decline mericans, reverse lunges, Dying Cockroach
4. Shoulder touch mericans, Christian McCalf raises, Freddie Mercury
5. Carolina Dry Docks, Side lunges, Pretzel crunch

Head to wall for People’s Chair plus air press, land the plane, Praying mantis, Rocky Balboa
Repeato x 2

Mosey to greenspace across from Starbucks for a Merican timebomb 5 > 1
Mobility moment courtesy of Holiday

Mosey back to launch point for Mary:

20 Mountain climbers IC
3 burpees

Nice showing today, with both cagey veterans and some new faces. Had to do a quick detour as the starting point was compromised by a resident’s open window. Thanks to Airstream for that catch. Decent amount of mumblechatter, but not enough to distract from all the hard work the Pax put in. Good job.

Thanks to Soprano for the opportunity to lead today’s workout.

Little P
