Merkins for Mom


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 15 Windmills IC
  • RoL/LoR
  • 15 Imperial Storm Troopers IC

The Thang

  • Mosey to tennis courts
  • Mom wants a house not a double wide
  • 20 DW Merkins IC
  • Mosey to gym entrance
  • Mom likes diamonds
  • 20 Diamond Merkins IC
  • Mosey to tennis courts
  • Mom is inclined to do what she thinks is best
  • 20 Incline Merkins IC
  • Mosey to gym entrance
  • Mom declines advice of others
  • 20 Decline Merkins
  • Mosey to the launch pad to grab waters
  • 10 Merkins for Mom IC
  • Mosey to block pile and pick your favorite
  • 10 Skull Crushers IC
  • Mosey to the DU bars
  • 15 Palms up IC
  • Mosey to blocks
  • 10 Skull Crushers IC
  • Mosey to DU bars
  • 15 Palms up IC
  • Mosey to binches
  • 10 Dips IC
  • 10 Merkins for Mom IC
  • Mosey to blocks
  • 10 Curls IC
  • Blocks back, mosey to DU bars
  • 15 Palms up IC
  • Mosey to gym entrance
  • 10 Dips IC
  • Mosey to launch pad


  • 20 LBC’s IC
  • 10 Jane Fonda’s each side IC

Reflection:  Proverbs 31:31

Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate

Mother’s Day has been a hard holiday as my birth mom passed when I was 13.  I had a step mom who I fought for a long time.  It took a long time but I finally realized how blessed I was to have two moms who put up with all my shenanigans.  They definitely both earned their way through the gate.  Let us never take the things our moms have done and continue to do for us….not to mention our M’s!


  • Great turnout this morning for the Monday full of running
  • FNG1 is Cole, comes to us by way THE School Bus (Toot toot), Squirrel (FNG2) & Knee-High (FNG3)
  • Q fail as the watch died about 30 minutes in, thanks to the PAX for keeping me on schedule, I had a lot more on the list
  • IT2 continues to crush it, 5 workouts in a row, well done brother
  • In a prior life, Scope was Billy Bob, you had to be there (and that’s on you if you weren’t)
  • Thanks to Sonar for astutely pointing out that we were 20 Merkins shy of 200 – it would be silly not to reach that milestone
  • Mater cleared the deck early, he may have thought it would go unnoticed, but man it was noticed.  We appreciate him giving the group about 10 feet of clearance as percolation continued
  • I can only speak for myself, it was hard to get 1/4 of the way to the ground for the last 160 merkins
  • Plenty more mumble chatter, please chime in
  • Pleasure to lead this morning