Merkins with a Little Tabata

Event Date

Jun 16, 2020

Can i get some dry weather for my next Q please?


Lap around the green of the Outer Limits to see if we pick up any straglers

Merkins, Imperial Storm Troopers, Sidestraddle Hops, Squats, Wind Mills then on to the real stuff

The Thang

Curcuit 1–  30 on 15 off x 3 sets

Jump squats, perfect merkins, curls, upright rows

Circuit 2–  30 on 15 off x 3 sets (Sparknut shows up, fashionabley late to make an entrance)

Burpees, perfect diamond merkins, bridge lat pullover, Carolina dry docks

Circuit 3–  30 on 15 off x 3 sets (by the 3rd circuit I realized the meaning of "don't Q it if you can't do it" and McBeal was loving me for the merkins, you're welcome)

Step back lunges, perfect wide merkins, skull Crusher, bent over row

Circuit 4– 30 on 15 x 3 sets

Pirate humpers (flap jack), perfect merkins, shoulder press


Heels to Heaven and some LBC's


Prayers for peace in the nation

Announcement: OL is leading from the Green in Downtown Davidson on 6/20. Time to start stratigizing.