Merlot Maker at Fallout and The Heisman

The Standard was a little bananas this morning. 2 ran t he 2.5 mile conversational pace standard.  2 ran laps on the track for speed.  2 did a recovery ruck but ruckless…


Disclaimer: Check


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 20 IST IC
  • 15 CP IC
  • 10 WM IC


  • Line up on bus parking lines behind school (18)
  • Burner checked the math and we mosied to 1 and counted up instead (it was too hard the other way)
  • Partner Up – Partner 1 AMRAP squats
  • Partner 2 run to parking bay 18 and back
  • Flap-jack REPEATO 
  • Move down a parking bay for 8 rounds alternating merkins and squats
  • Partner 1 run down to bay 9 lunge walk back
  • Partner 2 WWII Situps alternated Low Flutters between rounds
  • Flap-jack repeato until down to bay 5
  • Partner one Broad-Jump Burpee down to bay 4 run back
  • Partner 2 alternate quarter-turn jump-squats
  • Flap-Jack repeato until down to 0 line
  • Mosey back the long way to beginning
  • Circle up
  • 10 Low-Flutters IC  (Crowd Pleaser)
  • 1 crisp, clean burpee
  • REcover RECOVER


  • Welcome to Heisman (FNG-1)  
  • Kudos to Burner and Peaches for bringing him out.
  • Lot of talk about Venus and Uranus this morning – thanks for the astronomy Fenway
  • Hefty made it across the toll bridge this morning.  Welcome.  You kicked it in the teeth today.
  • Lawndart – always great conversation with you on a run.  Serious talk.
  • Stray just kept wandering off… hmmm.
  • Elmers and Fenway – thank you for bringing my actual award from Disclaimer of the Year.

I am so greatful for the men and brotherhood of F3.  You are all amazing encouragers.  You don't even know you are doing it!  Thanks for the grace around my post for the PreBlast.  I didn't realize it was from my other account.

Merry Christmas!