Metal Time

11 men appeared to get some work done this am, ties the record for Muscle Beach attendance!


SSH, WM, CP, Imperial Storm Troopers, Stretching, and Arm Circles

The Thang:

2 rounds with 20 reps of each of the following exercises with Dumbbells

  • DL Rev Lunge Curl / Squat Press / Clean Press
  • Bridge Bench Skull / Bridge Fly Knee to Chest / Boat Press
  • Ecc Hammers / Ecc Curls / 1-1-2 Hammers
  • WWII Jabs / Cockroach / Crunchy Frogs


  • Great attendance this am at Muscle Beach.  Everyone looking for some gainz… Pax looking strong!
  • Did anyone see the Indian on their way in to Muscle Beach?  Must have been hiding behind the rock!
  • Lots of great mumble chatter this am!  You had to be here, was fantastic!  Great fellowship this am.
  • IOP, Sullivans Island stories, fish stories…the fish got bigger and bigger toward the end of the conversation, LOL!  Sounds like the Carlson bros and their dad had an awesome vacation with some great memories…That's what it's all about.  Great to hear all of the fish they caught.
  • Tall tales of yesterday with recounts of college and one that stuck out…"GUE".  Acronym for Going Ugly Early, we learned from Schwinn, who had a friend that would GUE often.
  • Alabama White Sauce we learned today is evidently the bomb on wings, and quite frankly, anything from pancakes to BBQ.  It earned a lot of air time today.
  • Dude what's that on your face?  What's that on your shirt? What else but Alambama White Sauce!
  • It was an honor men!