Metal Up Your A$$

Event Date

May 08, 2019

Here we go again.  Arrived to an empty parking lot, well the one cop car there, at about 5:20.  Bunyan came running in and then we were soon joined by Roadie and Fescue.  Travolta came running in with just a couple minutes to go.  Today's playlist was all Metallica (old stuff from the 80's).


Runaround the lot and then to back of the school

Circle up – SSH, CP, IST, TS, AC


The Thang

Suicide workout.  Run to first basketball hoop 5 reps, run back, run to second 10 reps, back then to third 15 reps, back and to fourth for 20 reps

First round – Merkins

Second Round – Jump Squats

Third round – CCD

Next was a round of Lieutenat Dan's up to 10 through the lot

Mosey back and grab a block

Low curls, high curls, full curls, skull crushers, bent over row, front lateral raises, full curls

Blocks back mosey around over to the corner with the ledges

Dips, Single leg squats (now know as the Bulgarian Split Squat – thank you Bunyan for a proper name), inclined merkins, 20 step ups each leg

repeato – drop step ups down to 10

Mosey to lot for MARY

LBC, Jane Fonda's, Pretzle Crunch, Dying Cockroach, WWII Situp


Thank you for everyone that joined in today.  Thank you Roadie for letting the tour make a stop at this fine AO, and for your information on the Metallica/Megadeth song.  Think you need to get some guys together and do a one night only show for F3! 

Hope everyone enjoyed the workout and has a great day!