7 Men gathered in the cold, clear morning to get in some fitness and hope to see a meteor or two – we did see one.
Warm Up
- Prone knee swings to loosen up hips and low back
- Prone leg kicks to get hammies going
Mosey the long way to additional warm up
- 15 Hill Billys
- 15 Peter Parkers
- 15 Parker Peters
The Thang
- Mosey around the parking lot
- 10X Carolina Dry Docks in Cadence
- Mosey to playground
- Mini-Murph – 4X
- 10X pullups of choice
- 20X mericans
- 30X LBC's
- Run to curve of track and back
- 15 count BLMFers
- 10 Tippy Birds each leg
- Mosey – stop at first light 10 Mericans in Cadence
- Mosey – stop at 2nd light 15 LBC's in Cadence
- Mosey up hill – 15 WWII's for Bagboy
- Mosey to starting point
- Mobility moments to wrap
Prayers for Ruth, Jeff, and the folks impacted by the tornadoes
2+ miles, lots of solid cardio, hips and glutes better off then when we started – stronger, faster, more balanced men!
Coffeetaria where topics such as Hippie's Cotopaxi jacket, ISO-9000, and stents were discussed.
Good to be alive and well this fine winter morning.
Thanks men for showing up!