MetroDog 500

Event Date

Jul 12, 2016


Goodwrench leads warmup since the scheduled Q is late


15IC Mt. Climbers

15 Burpees

5-15 Merkin (I got multiple answers here)

Hill Run (MetroDog arrives as PAX begins short hill run)

Back on track

10IC SSH (50 total)

10IC Mt. Climbers (50 total)

10 Burpees (25 for MetroDog)

Hill Run (short hill)

Relocate to back playground and count off in 2’s

50 pull-ups

50 Freddy Mercury’s (pull-ups and FM’s disguised as sets of 10 and rotate)

50 Merkin (start where you left off)

50 Australian Rows (rows and squat rotation in sets of 10, bordering on PAX revolt)

50 Air squats

Return to the parking lot

25 Burpees

50 Sit-ups (PAX negotiates 25 WWI / 25 WWII)

50 reps of Mary PAX choice

5 IC LBC (or so…)

5 IC Low Flutter

5 IC Low Dolly

5 IC Box Cutter

5 IC Stranded Turtle



Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.  (Matthew 26:52)   


“Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love… Our aim must never be to defeat or humiliate others, but to win their friendship and understanding.”  (Martin Luther King, Jr.)


The race tension in the USA is concerning. As a father of a multiracial family, I have had to consider this in how I raise my children and to teach them how to deal with it.



F3 Dads/2.0 workout at Baily Road Park in Huntersville this Saturday at 7am

Convergence with F3 Lincolnton 6am pre running 7am workout 7/23 – No SVU or Mustang workout

F3 at Denver Defense 7/24 – 1245 pm



-No alarm for the Q this morning so my eyes popped open at 0526…thanks for getting it started Goodwrench and for doing exactly what I planned!

-Lots of MC/grumbling but the PAX was grateful at the end to hear we knocked out a 500 in 45 minutes.

-That was a mixed up mashed up workout – Skipper

-I didn’t think we were running today because of your ankle… – Lightbulb

-The Dude also participated but not registered…DUDE register!


An honor to lead!
