Michelle got pooped on

Event Date

Oct 06, 2022


5 men emerged to murder bunnies and roll a tire in feces.  



10 x Toy Soldiers

10 x Copperhead squats

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Merican toe touches

10 x Windmills


The Thang

Mosey to back, max pull ups, grab 3 blocks and Michelle and mosey to top of big hill grassy knoll.

One the way chaos ensures. 

Mater and Strudel are rolling Michelle up the hill but we get to the top and there is no sign of them. Returning half way down the hill Mater is in a pure frenzy screaming Michelle rolled in dog poop.  Strudel returned to his vehicle to retrieve baby wipes, because who else would happen to have a store of wiping materials in their trunk?? Being impatient YHC grabbed the tire and rolled it up the hill with some weird substances getting on glove.  All assembled at top of hill in grassy knoll to get things rolling.

Split into two groups with YHC alternating help with Michelle

Round 1: Group one tire flip burpees, Group 2 murder bunnies with 10 curls for girls at end and return murder bunnies.

Indian run around block island.

Round 2: Group one tire flip burpees with side jump this time, Group 2 murder bunnies with 10 skull crushers at end and return murder bunnies.

Indian run around block island.

Round 3: Group one tire flip with group merican on side of tire, Group 2 murder bunnies with 10 shoulder presses at end and return murder bunnies.

Indian run around block island.

Return to back playground, stow gear and max pull ups. 

Reflection: Exodus 4-5

Moses questioned God’s appointment multiple times at the start- giving excuses as to why he should not be chosen to lead the Israelites out of slavery.  And then when he was finally convinced he met some fierce resistance with Pharaoh and fellow Hebrews who had their workload greatly increased because of Moses’ intervention.  Good reminder that God choses us despite our misgivings and weaknesses and even when things seem like our backs our against the wall there is a greater plan that will prevail. 


-Crabby Patty mentioned he picked his dry shoes based on lack of wetness at SVU workouts as we did most of the workout on the wet dew grass.  Sorry for your good kicks.

-Dirt may not come to SVU again after seeing what took place this am. 

-Strudel kept saying Dandelion would not approve of this if he were here. 

-Mater, sorry bro I turned into impatient Dad mode, I know you did your best when you almost rolled Michelle into a ditch and then found a random turd in the middle of the street to roll into. 

-Michelle sorry we treated you so poorly.

Fair Winds and Following Seas
