Michigan? Maybe.

Event Date

Jun 28, 2018


8 pax beat the fartsack this morning.Warm O Rama:Mosey to Cowboy parking lot SSH, Slow Windmill, Cotton Picker, Mountain Climber 10 OYO BurpeesMosey to JV Washam football field25 yards run/sprint10 Merkins50 yards run/sprint10 Lunges 75 yards run/sprint10 Mountain Climber 100 yards run/sprint10 Squats25 yards run/sprint15 Hand Release Merkins50 yards run/sprint15 Diamond Merkins 75 yards run/sprint15 Wide Merkins 100 yards run/sprintAl Gore25 yards run/sprint25 Low Flutter 50 yards run/sprint10 Rosalita/10 Low Dolly75 yards run/sprint25 Dying Cockroach100 yards run/sprintMosey back to AOPeople’s ChairDecline Merkins 10ICJLo 20ICMoleskine:Welcome FNG Allen, now known as AROMA. great work this morning. Beefcake wasn’t slowing down this morning. Beastmode. If you have never Qd, or have not stepped up please sign up or reach out to Titan. Aug 2nd, 9th, 16th (Jethro), 23rd, 30thThanks for stepping up Jethro, Aye.Big Thank you to all.