Mick Dundee Jog-A-Bout (For Magnum)

Event Date

Feb 05, 2018

Kept it moving on a foggy, cold Monday Morning where the smells of wings and alcohol were present on the q and his sweet new mustache.  A bit of a jog about in honor of Magnum and BamBam's love of Crocodile Dundee II.  

All exercises were done ic except burpees and pullups.

Mosey around parking lot to the pullup bars for warmup

sideshuttle hop/cotton pickers/imperial storm trooper/girl fight.

Mosey over to pick up a good sized rock. 

10 curls into 10 skull crushers. 

5 burpees 

run around island

10 curls into 10 skull crushers

5 burpees

10 squat to press

run around island

10 curls into 10 skull crushers

5 burpees

10 squat to press

low flutter x 20

run around island

10 curls into 10 skull crushers

5 burpees

10 squat to press

low flutter x 20 

bent over row x10

run around island and throw rock back into pile.

Ran a lap around the church

10 pullups 

12 merkins

Run around parking lot to end up at the wall of shame

Alternated peoples chair and rock balboas x20 twice.  

Snake thru parking lot doing the following exercises

merkins x12

carolina dry docksx12

burpees x10


mason twist x20

end up at pull up bars.

10 pull ups 

12 merkins

mosey around parking lot for mary which consisted of  10 burpees in Bunyans honor. 


Good day at the sword.  Shout out to putting the wrong AO on twitter.  I give the assist to redrider.  It was in the middle of the superbowl and we were on our way to being overserved.  Thanks for everybody for coming out and putting forth a noble effort.