Might as well JUMP!!!

Event Date

Feb 13, 2020


6 of the PAX (count JohnnyU in in above total but cant find him online) stepped up the plate and delivered a smashing success today at Samson.  Here is how it went down:


"Hofforama"….if you dont know what this is then you have not been at one of my workouts…..come next time to find out


Partner up and grab a jump rope!!!

500: One partner jump rope while the other runs around island; flapjack; continue until you combine for 500 jumps

Merkins X 10IC; CDD X 10IC; Merkins X5IC; CDD x 5IC

REPEATO except decrease jumps by 100 each time

(in between 300/200 and 200/100 we did flutter kicks and LBC instead of merkins and CDD)

Mosey back for MARY:

Bam Bam x 5; WW2 Situp X10; Stretch; Pretzel Crunch X10IC each side


Great work today men!!!  Great to meet Buckeye for the first time at Samson!!!  Johnny U went for a stroll to find the old A frame but came up empty!!…..or he got empty……. Get on the website bro so I can find your name!!  Bootlegger is fit man…..just keeps rolling right along. Canary was his usual hardworking steady quiet self today….BEAST….thanks Partner!! Incredibly awesome for me to see 66 back in the fold again……2 times in one week my man!!!!…..Glad you are back around!!!!  Appreciate the effort today men!

Until next time!
