Might Jungle goes Browns

Sorry for the delay, the weekend gets in the way. 

So I am broken goods at the moment with bum left foot. Early on many of the guys were happy about this, they had an idea I was going to run alot, what???


the same:






The work out

As a Group;

  • Pull ups x 10
  • squats x 20
  • merkins x 20
  • LBC x 20

then we ran a lap and repeated minus 2. We did this for 3 rounds


Ok, so we grabbed some blocks and did curls and block burpees and bent over rows. etc. Ok so we did lots of stuff and ran a lap, then did some pull ups x 6, then monkey humpers x 15. Then more block stuff. I think 3 rounds, can't remember. 

then we did partner balls to the bus for 60 sec. x 2 for each partner. AWESOME


Each guy got a shot, no less then 10, no more then 15. 

Dam after a hard workout you all are mean and tuff. You bitch at me then kill each other LOL

Great time and better time after having Coffee. I love Sat. for the social time and wish more guys joined in.
