Mighty Jungle Learns the 3 R’s

17 hard chargers proved they could learn the Tagless’ 3 R’s of F3. YHC’s very first post was at Might Jungle, but I had not Q‘d here in more than two years. Not listed FNG Tony Niese, Liberace (Highlands), Twister. Blackbeard’s rucking crew made a fly by at 0700 and again after COT. Blackbeard has already published a separate back-blast for their meandering adventure.



·         Mosey lap around parking lot with High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karioka

·         SSH x 28 IC; Cotton Picker x 15 IC; Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 IC; Mountain Climbers x 20 IC



·         Mosey to cinderblocks and each Pax gets one block and move to pull-up bars

·         Modified Mini Vern:

o   5 pull-ups, 10 block merkins, 15 block shoulder dips, 20 squats with block and 25 LBCs.

o   Run lap to parking lot traffic barricade and back after each exercise

o   Three full cycles


·         Old School Wall Work

o   90 seconds of People’s Chair  with 20 air press IC

o   11 burpees OyO – 2.0 Charlie (Trebek) is 11

o   Peter Parkers with feet on wall x 10 IC

o   9 merkins OyO – 2.1 Sara is 9

o   60 seconds of BTTW

o   8 burpees OyO  — 2.2 Anna (Sminky) is 8


·         Jungle Animals

o   Partner up SDNM

o   P1 crab walk down hill to school entrance, 3 Scorpion Dry-Docks per leg, bear crawl to top of school entrance hill, mosey back to P2. P2 WWII sit-ups AMRAP until P1 returns.

o   Flip-flop.  Repeato with 6-6 and 9-9 scorpion dry docks. Audible on final set to LBCs.


Mosey back to blocks for MARY

·         Low Flutter x 20 IC

·         Jo-Lo’s x 10 IC

·         Crunchy Frog x 15 IC

·         30 second plank

·         Recover-Recover



–          Strong work by all today. It is always great to push and be pushed by others. Not a much higher compliment than getting a “Great beatdown” from Ultraman—even if, admittedly, it was lacking in creativity.

–          28 was significant as it is the sum of ages of my 2.0’s that all attend school at St. Mark

–          The 3 R’s were running, repetitions, and repeatos. 3 cycles on the vern, 3 sets of exercises at the wall and 3 cycles of the animal exercises was all tied back to YHC being the father of 3 remarkable children. Yes, it also made designing the workout easy!

–          T-claps to Kosar, Uncle Rico, Hippie and Ultraman for finishing the Vern early and get extra credit for additional exercises and laps. 

–          T-claps to Panzer for his incredible determination to recover from broken leg and begin posting again as soon as possible.

–          Welcome to Liberace (Mallard Creek/Highlands) and be sure to check the website for all the options each day in LKN. Also, continued prayers for his family for the recent loss of his wife’s cousin.

–          Excellent work by Little Professor keeping up with Deep Dish Dad throughout the workout.

–          A bittersweet sendoff for Olaf for his final Mighty Jungle post at his home AO. We wish you safe move to Lake Wylie and smooth transition to the start of your new life there. Ultraman, The Count, Rocket and YHC all say a farewell “Run, Olaf, Run”.

–          Thanks to all for coming to support first post for FNG Tony Niese from Woodbury, Minnesota near Twin Cities. Tony and YHC graduated in the same class of Purdue’s MBA program in 2003. He will be returning to Twin Cities to join a local AO as F3 started there recently.  It does not get easier, but with commitment to you vs. you, you will get stronger.  “French Lick” nickname is a tribute to his Indiana roots and Larry Bird, the Indiana basketball G.O.A.T.

–          YHC explained to him how F3 LKN has grown in six years from a single workout in Moses’ driveway to the myriad of options available now on a daily basis. More importantly, we discussed how the 2nd F fellowship network truly strengthens and reinforces the power of F3. Examples YHC cited were the convergences and support for IKEA and Olive when tragedy struck—these are among my most powerful memories for how this organization has changed the community and built a brotherhood. He is excited to be a part of this growth opportunity in F3 expansion.

–          Thanks Rocket for the privilege of leading at this great AO!


