Mighty Jungle’s Saturday Fun and Games

Event Date

Oct 07, 2017

+++  Mona Lisa, Wiley, Doogie

11 Pax hit the Jungle this purty AM.  They found themselves partaking in a whole bunch of fun stuff Relay race style

After the normal F3 warm o rama the Pax grabbed the blocks and postioned them strategically near the pull-up bars.

Partner Carry

Wheel Barrows

Then pax split into 2 teams and did the following relay team style:

Farmers Carry


Receiver/Defender drills

Bear Crawls

Crab Walks

Bunny Hops




We finished the work out by playing 15 minutes of Ultimate Football in the parking lot. 

Gnarly Goat said the workout was a work of art (or something similar).  Blackbeard was happy just to avoid an onslaught of burpees (as is usually the casde at the Jungle).  Omaha was a great coach at Ulimate directing his team to throw short/quick passes.   

Thanks to all the Pax who came out, look forward to many more Saturday "fun" days
