Mighty Oak Leg Day and Chad 1000X Preview

YHC forecasted in the pb that today would be leg day and a Chad 1000X preview / warmup.  10 faithful pax who agree with YHC that we shant skip leg day decided to join.  Here's what the rest of the pax missed:

0500: Turnpike cajoled YHC into a nice slowsy 2 mile #Standard up to St. Mark's parking lot and back.  I caught him up on the Goatbusters' recent 4 Pass Loop adventure in Aspen.

0530Main event.

Mosey loop around the parking lot, stopping at the usual warmup spot, near a carpet delivery van that was making an awfully early carpet delivery.

Disclaimer given.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC (aka "Side Power Lunge" in Turnpike parlance)


Mosey to planters at front of school.

  • Step-Up x 20 (each leg) OYO
  • Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 (each leg) OYO

Mosey to wall, pax instructed to anchor somewhere nearby YHC so they could hear me.  ("What?" says one pax.  Ha.)

  • People's Chair 1 minute, while YHC explains to the pax the origin of the Chad 1000X WIB that, in November, we will be doing for the second year in a row
  • Short recovery
  • People's Chair plus Touch Them Heels x 10 IC

Mosey back to planters.

  • Step-Up x 20 (each leg) OYO, with a Squat after each Step-Up rep (i.e. 40 total Squats)

Mosey to back of school and grab blocks.

  • Zamperini block 1.25x around track in bus lot, pausing ~ every 30 sec to perform one Squat (-to-Press)

Stop in front of tables adjacent bus lot.  Blocks down.

  • Step-Up x 20 (each leg) OYO
  • Dip x 15 IC

Partner up.

  • Partner 1 Farmer's Carry 2 blocks counterclockwise around bus lot track.
  • Partner 2 jog clockwise around bus lot track until meeting back up with Partner 1, then switch. 

Continue until back at tables adjacent bus lot.  Blocks down.

  • Step-Up x 20 (each leg) OYO
  • Derkins x 10 IC

Grab block.

  • Zamperini block 1.75x around track in bus lot, pausing ~ every 30 sec to perform one Squat (-to-Press)

Stop at fence near block pile.  Return blocks.  Mosey back to planters at front of school.

  • Step-Up x 20 (each leg) OYO

Mosey to cars.

  • Calf raise on curb x 10 (each leg) OYO, then on our sixes
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC
  • Dying Cockroach x 10 IC
  • Mason Twist x 10 IC
  • Low Dolly x 10 IC
  • Elbow Plank 60 sec

Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to the pax who posted today, in spite of my having revealed it was leg day.  Appreciate you all, and nice work.
  • Thanks for indulging my plug for Chad 1000X, which I did last year (as did Big Montana, Dingo, and Estwing – here's the backblast) and am planning to do again.  Yes