Mighty Oak… Mighty Indeed

The Pax who have not signed up:

Grape Ape and Bandwagon

Special shout out to Ty Webb (WB) and Ultraman and Bandwagon (WD)


Warm-a-rama (all IC):

Short mosey over to the track with high knees and karaoke’s along the way…

(25) SSH

(20) Imperial Storm Troopers

(20) Toy Soldiers

(20) Mountain Climbers

(10) Squats


The Thang:

Mosey over to the rocks and take with you over to the track and circle up.  Each set of exercises consisted of (3) exercises.  It went something like this…

Set 1:

10 – Low curls IC

10 – High curls IC

10 – Full curls IC

Run a lap around the track

Set 2:

10 – Overhead shoulder press IC

10 – Skull Crushers IC

10 – Chest press IC

Run a lap around the track

Set 3:

10 – Bent over row IC

10 – Toes to sky with rock IC (touch the ground outside your left foot and raise the rock across your body and over your right shoulder to the sky)

10 – Toes to sky with rock IC starting with the right side

Run a lap around the track

Repeat all sets and decreasing each exercise by 2 reps.


Station 2:

Mosey over to the front of the school by the cement balls and find a ledge or table.

15 – Dips IC

10 – Derkins IC

10 – Incline Merkins


10 – Box Jumps or

20 – leg raises

Crab walk between the cement balls and lunge walk back to the beginning.


Station 3:

10 – Burpee’s OYO

Then run to the other end of the parking lot

20 – WWII sit-ups OYO

Repeat except (8) Burpees and (10) WWII sit-ups


The Mary:

25 – LBC

20 – Low Flutters

20 – Dying Cockroach

20 – Pickle pounders



11 gloom warriors made it out of the fart sack to take on the Might Oak on this seasonably warm February.  A little drizzle never hurt anybody before.  It only took about 5 minutes before Bam Bam called BS to my “no glove friendly” workout when we hit the deck for some mountain climbers.  I apologize for not catering the workout more to accommodate your sensitive hands.

Other than a few BS calls on the gloves and getting a little wet from laying on the ground, not much mumble chatter.  I guess that’s a good thing. 

Special shout out to Ditka for the opportunity to lead such a great AO.  I hope everyone is feeling it a little, I know I am.