Mighty Oak Mountain Toss WO

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 14 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with some cinder blocks, for a Boot Camp beatdown at the state-of-the-art big green gym of Grand Oak Elementary School.    

Mosey x 100m
SSH x 20
Windmill x 20

Main Event:
Burpee x 40
Block Swing x 40
Block Squat-to-Press x 40
Apollo Creed x 40
Big Baby Crunch x 40
Merican x 40
Block Lawn Mower Pull x 40
Block Skull Crush x 40
Block Curl x 40
Block Upright Row x 40
Mosey x 180 meters

Burpee x 30
Block Swing x 30
Block Squat-to-Press x 30
Apollo Creed x 30
Big Baby Crunch x 30
Merican x 30
Block Lawn Mower Pull x 30
Block Skull Crush x 30
Block Curl x 30
Block Upright Row x 30
Mosey x 180 meters

Burpee x 10

But here’s how it really went down:
I said we’d do 40 x 30 x 20 x 10 on each of the 10 exercises, making it 1,000 reps total.  But then Jersey Boy said “Hell, let’s start with 50.”  Then Tuffy said “Why not 60?  And to top it off, Soprano said “You ladies can start with 60, I’m starting with 100.”  And so it was, we started with 100, then 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and finished a round of 10, making it 3,100 total reps.  Wow.

Beginning Temperature: 76F
Weather conditions: Cool and dry, but soggy in some areas
Total Running: 460 meters
Total Planking Time: 1 minute
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  We tried to get to 1,000 reps in 45 minutes.  Another 4-5 minutes (or no warm-up) and we would have had it.  
2.  Thanks to Dingo for letting YHC take this one.
3.  Form was emphasized.
4.  Glad to see everyone busting ass and trying to get to the 1,000.  Next time.  Jersey Boy and Soprano reached a combined 2,000 total reps – I believe that was the best total.  
5.  It was an honor to lead the PAX in YHC’s 1,000th post.