Mighty Oak movement& sweat!

16 Studs got after it today at The Mighty Oak ! 73 temp & 89% humidity made it for a heavy breather !  Here's what we did !

Mosey with High Knees & Buttkickers !


SSH x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 15 IC

Mericans x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 10 IC

Short mosey to Big Cement Balls in front of school.


Forward & backward run in and out of the big balls, at the end do 3 Mericans, run back to start & Repeato. 3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 15 Mericans.

Short mosey to garden boxes.

Step Ups 15 each leg OYO

Incline Mericans x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Decline Mericans x 10 IC

Back to the Balls.

Balls – Round 2:

Starting at the other end.

Basketball slides in and out of the balls,at the end do 3 Scorpion Dry Docks, run back to start & Repeato. 3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 15 SDDs.

Mosey to front of school facing fence.

10 Over the fence & Back

Squats x 20 IC

Mosey to back basketball court.

Burpee Lungewalk: 5 Lunges each leg, then 2 Burpees, Repeato to the last basket

Mosey to grass hill.

Grass Hill:

Bear Crawl up hill, 2 Diamond Mericans, regular run down, 10 Squats each time at bottom

Repeato with 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 Diamond Mericans

Mosey to parking lot – Lunge Walk (YHC favorite) with Air Press to stop sign

Mosey to circle up in parking lot – Merican Time Bomb – 6-5-4-3-2-1 – Boom !

MARY: Pass the Buck to Pax !

Olaf – LBCs, Frogger – WWII situps, UltraMan – Crunchy Frog, YHC – Rosalita.

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Thanks to Ditka for allowing me to Q The Mighty Oak !  Lots of options and directions you can go at this open AO !  Went to my first Ditka Q 2 weeks ago – do not miss these – Tough !

(2) Humidity was brutal this fine Gloom as we wait for storms to hit !  Anytime now would be fine.

(3) Always pleasure to Q in Isotope !  Thanks for coming out Boys !

Mayhem (in the AM)