Mighty Oak MQ Handoff

18 PAX showing me some big support today as SwingState handed off the MQ keys! Welcome back to our 2 Kotters (get it? Welcome Back Kotter) too – Binary and TommyBoy. Good to see you – keep coming out!


Mosey to the bus parking lot; disclaimer given

  • SSH x30
  • Cherry Picker x 10 (it’s like the cotton picker but on 4 you stand up and stretch the back)
  • Tie-Fighters (left leg deep lunge with 10 forward sun gods (arm circles); right leg deep lunge with 10 backward sun gods)


The Thang

  • Partner Up. P1 runs counter-clockwise around the bus lot’s track while P2 runs the track clockwise. When they meet they drop and execute 10 burpees.
  • Partners continue running in the original directions until they meet again. This time they drop and execute 20 little baby crunches.
  • Repeato until 3 sets are complete.


  • Mosey to the child’s jungle gym (or what we refer to as the pull-up bars)
  • P1 executes 10 pull-ups while P2 performs monkey-humpers AMRAP. Flapjack.
  • Repeato until 3 sets are complete.


  • Mosey to the school entrance at the planters.
  • PAX performed 3 sets of:
    1. 20 dips
    2. 20 single-leg step-ups


  • Mosey back to the bus parking lot stopping at the first basketball hoop for “11’s”
  • The PAX ran to the next hoop and performed 10 diamond `merkins, then ran back to the first hoop and performed 1 squat. That’s rep “one”. The sum of the exercises should always equal 11 and we decrement and increment on each rep until we finish with 1 diamond `merkin and 10 squats.
    • As the remaining 6 completed their last set they were joined by all the PAX for 10 group squats. Thanks @swingstate for initiating that encouragement. That’s a takeaway for this junior MQ.

Mosey back to where we started for some Mary


  • Pickle Pounder (Roadie)
  • Low Flutter (Rubber Duck)
  • Box Cutter (Binary)
  • Was there another one?
  • Recover-Recover



  • First run as the MQ of #TheMightyOak! I’m excited about it. Thanks @swingstate for the opportunity.
  • Tried a couple exercises (Tie-Fighter and Cherry Pickers) I learned while on the road last week . F3 Knoxville has an awesome AO called the Asylum.  If you’re ever up there or generally speaking if you’re anywhere away from home, check the F3Nation site for AOs away from home.
  • Thanks Kosar for picking up the 4/18 Q!
  • The rain held off until about 10 seconds before the COT ended. Perfect timing!


Age Stats for Nerds

  • Mean: 41.1 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 41.5 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 41 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 53 (highest age)
  • Min: 31 (lowest age)
  • Standard Deviation: 6.37909 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)
  • Skewness: -0.01392 (can be positive or negative, the closer to zero, the more symetrical the data is around the mean)
  • Observations: Check out that mean, median, and mode! So tight. Pretty close to normally distributed data today. Exciting!