9 Men brought their Wed Gumption to Mighty Oak to receive their discount with Coupons.
Concrete Balls:
5 pax weaved, quadrepheliad, & bball slid thru the concrete balls while 4 picked coupon of bucket with stone, large sq paver, log, or case water to move on outside balls. Flapjack & repeato.
Garden Party:
move coupons to garden boxes in front school.
Step ups, dips, incline mercs.
3 pax stay w coupons & curl, sh press, & squat, 1 moves 60 lb bucket around concrete balls, remaining 5 take lap around school. Flapjack & repeato.
back to step ups, dips, alt front lunge, dips, decline mercs, squats.
Finish w another round of coupons & balsa w 10 Mercs at end instead of 5 Burpees x 3.
Time – DONE !
Rumple Moleskin:
– Thanks to Roadie for allowing me to Q & great gloom morning with all 9.
– Prayers continue for Schneider & his family. Some great ideas to support his families short & long term needs.
MaYhEm (in the AM )