Mighty Oak was Pretty Mighty

The Mighty Were RTG….

Not listed is Mark aka Freedom Trail.  

11 mighty gloom warriors got after it at The Mighty Oak today on an exceptionally humid September morning.  I was inspired by a workout I went to over at the HFFA over the Labor Day Weekend.  It went something like this…



Mosey around the parking lot with high knees and butt kickers over to the big balls and circle up.

SSH (IC) x 15

IST (IC) x 10

Cotton Pickers (IC) x 10

Windmills (IC) x 10

The Thang:

4 Stations, 8 minutes each AMRAP the (4) exercises at each station.  At each station, we will have a (10) burpee “buy in” before we can perform the exercises at each station.  The 10 burpee buy in is only done once at the beginning of each station.

Station 1:

10 – Burpee buy in.

40 – Step Ups on the flower boxes (20 each leg)

30 – Dips

20 – Monkey Humpers

10 – Decline Mericans

Repeat-o AMRAP

Run to station 2 which is the other entrance by the fields.

Station 2:

10 – Burpee buy in.

40 – Squats

30 – Lunges

20 – Curb Mericans (10 each side)

10 – Australian Pull Ups

Repeat-o AMRAP

Run to station 3 which is by the playground.

Station 3:

10 – Burpee buy in.

40 – SSH’s

30 – Carolina Dry Docks

20 – WWII’s

10 – Pull Ups

Repeat-o AMRAP

Run to station 4 which is the corner over by the cinder blocks.

Station 4:

10 – Burpee buy in.

40 – Curls

30 – Skull Crushers

20 – Block Swings

10 – Squat Thrusters

Run a lap around the track and then repeat-o AMRAP.


No time for Mary.

Recover, recover…


Great work by all today.  Too bad we couldn’t get some humidity to work out in.  I was inspired by a workout I did on Monday at HFFA.  Hope you all enjoyed it.  Not as much running as I usually incorporate, but hit every muscle group and kept the heart rate up.  Welcome Freedom Trail, his 2nd post today.  It doesn’t get easier, you just get better.  He comes to us from a small town outside of Boston.  I think Bunyan and Bam Bam completed two rounds of station 4.  Strong work fellas.  Thanks for the push today and the accountability F3 brings.