Mighty Oak: What Are You Made Of?

Welcome FNG Bryce Peterson "Mile HIgh,"

Men:  My recorder was all jacked up.  The above list was from memory alone, which I do not trust.  Please let me know who was and wasnt' there and I will amend this BB. 

Warm-Up:  Thunder Song – M'ktar Jai on the word "Lightning," Merkin on the word "Thunder".  On your 6 as the song still plays.  Second verse:  V-up on Thunder.  On your feet for the finale – Squat on "Thunder", Jump on "Lighting."

The Thang: We shot out of the Mighty Up down the half-pipe and through two traffic circles, stopping approximately 4-5 times both ways.  

PAX decided on burpees Bunyan, Q-bert and many others used their option to do a set of 20 burpees.  That hurt. 

At the Pain Clock we did 3 rounds: 

1.  Partner A – 40 merkins, Partner B- run a lap.  Flapjack.

2.  Partner A – 25 squats.  Partner B – run a lap.  Flapjack. 

3.  Partner A – 15 burpees.  Partner B – rune 2 laps.  Flapjack. 

More pain stations on the way home. 

Line Up at the Grand Oak Elementary lit up sign.  4 or 5 sprints.  Swing State got the virtual trophy on most.   Kosar a few.  And Qbert at least one.  Aye.  

At the end of a tough workout, I always say this is when you really see what you are made of.  If you didn't give it your all, there is always tomorrow.  We push each other to get better becaus it makes us better. That's not the main reason, but just the reality of the situation.  

Thanks for taking us out Jedi.  YHC had to rush home so the M. could go to BURN at 0630.  Tag team out. 

Thanks for the Q SwingState.  Appreciate it.  Strong men at the #MightyOak. 

We live to give, 
