Mighty S-L-O-W

Event Date

Jan 06, 2021

5 pax, including 1 first post FNG, posted to The Mighty Oak this morning for a beatdown.

0500YHC ran a 2-mile sad clown #Standard through Macaulay neighborhood.

0530: Having already sad clowned the #Standard, YHC was growing nervous when, as of 0527, there were no other cars in the Grand Oak parking lot, but then MQ Dingo pulled in, followed by Tuffy and Eeyore (who arrived with a propane tank rattling around in the back of his truck – apparently it had gotten loose), and we were off.

Mosey 1/2 lap around parking lot and circle up in front of school entrance for warm-o-rama:

  • SSH x 25 IC

During the SSH, another car pulled into the lot, and a pax jogged in to join us mid-exercise.  I introduced myself, and pax indentified himself as Jordan, a first post FNG who had come out in part because his M was a member of our local FiA group.  YHC welcomed him, gave the disclaimer, and continued with warm-o-rama:

  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slow Alternating Lunge (aka Willie Mays Hayes) x 10 IC
  • Slow Merican x 10 IC


Mosey to planters in front of school.

  • Slow Dip x 15 IC
  • Decline Plank Hold 1 min
  • Slow Dip x 10 IC

Mosey to back of school and grab blocks.

Block medley – all SLOW cadence in order to focus on form, and to increase time under tension.  All x 10 IC:

  • Block Curl
  • Block Squat
  • Block OH Press
  • Block Upright Row
  • Block Skullcrusher
  • Block Merican

Mosey lap around parking lot.  Repeato block medley (2nd round).

Mosey lap around parking lot.  Repeato block medley (3rd round).

Replace blocks and mosey back to parking lot.  Line up, facing down lane of parking lot, for suicides + exercises, as follows:

  • First round – perform 2 burpees at start and at each island.
  • Second round – perform 4 jump squats at start and at each island.

Circle up for mary:

  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC
  • WWII Situp x 20 OYO
  • Elbow Plank 1 min

Recover, recover.


  • Awesome to have Jordan join us this morning.  The pax provided F3 lingo translations throughout the workout and alerted him to the website and calendar.  Dingo secured his HC for a second post at Foundry on Friday, so he and YHC will be heading there and recruiting additional pax to join us.
  • Mighty Oak could use some Qs this month.  If you're reading this and haven't Q'd at MO in a while, please consider signing up and helping out our brother Dingo at this fine AO.
  • On that note, prior to leading the pax this morning, YHC perused the F3 LKN archives, trying to determine when I'd last Q'd at MO, and thinking that it surely must have been sometime in 2020.  Alas, it had been a looooong time – June 2018.  Here's the backblast.  I immediately noticed while reading through the backblast one name in the pax list – Schneider.  I mentioned this in COT, and asked the pax to please continue to keep him and his family in their thoughts and hearts.  I miss him, and hope that he has found peace.
  • Thanks to Dingo for the opportunity to lead the pax this morning, and for taking us out in prayer.  Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  I'm forever grateful.
