MIGHTY wall to Mighty PAIN

At 5am 2 pax for run standard, At 530am 10 pax for beatdown.

Mosey to behind the school High Knees , pax said "that look like a Hop" YHC, let's add some arms exercise then now we're doing Cherry Pickers. Butt Kickers, Carioca.


SSH x30, Cotton Picker x20, Toy Soldier x15, Slow Windmill x10, Downward Dog

The Thang:

Grab cinder block or rock Zamperini to parking lot right to Hilly side

Shoulder Press x15

Crawl Bear to up hill

Squat x15

Bear crawl back to rocks/CB repeato

Full Curl x15

Quadriphilia up hill

Prisoner Squat x15

Run back to rocks/CB

Low Curl x15

Quadriphilia up hill

Carolina Dry Dock x15

Run back to rocks/CB

High Curl x15

Duck walk up hill

Scorpion Dry Dock x15

x5 Burpees

Run back to rocks/CB

Time for wall beatdown. We move behind the school

Crawl Bear, Australian Mountain Climber

Crawl Bear to wall, 10x AMC, Bear crawl, 10x Chest Press rock/cinder block

Crawl Bear to wall, 20x AMC, Bear crawl, 20x Chest press rock/cinder block

Crawl Bear to wall, 30x AMC, Bear Crawl, 30x Chest Press rock/cinder block


10x Upright Row


10x Hand Release Merkin

Run back

20x Upright Row


20x Hand Release Merkin

Run back

30x Upright Row


30x Hand Release Merkin

Run back

10x Squat with rock/cinder block

Frog Jump 30feet

10x LBC

Run back

20x Squat with rock/CB

Frog Jump 30feet

20x LBC

Run back

30x Squat with rock/CB

Frog Jump 30feet

30x LBC

Run back

Return CB and Rock. mosey back parking lot.


Kozar – Low Flutter x31? He just kept going

Gypsy – Russian Twist x10 Don't mess him, He'll break you.

Roadie – Pickle Pounder x10 Must be favorite Mary.

Swing State – 1 min Superman. I though Superman can fly all day. must be Kryptonite.


Strong finished by all.

Swing State and Kozar are really fast. I mean really FAST. I would like to see Scrappy, SS, Kosar do Sprint race.

Vinegarbend never seen pickle pounder before. keep practicing. Next time we will throw some JLo, Monkey Humper, Glute Bridge and etc.

Tclaps to Tuck, Bunyan & Vinegarbend ran standard from there house. Also, Kosar.

Thanks to Mona Lisa for 5am standard. I don't like solo standard. Tip, use Google map or map my run before standard. We're both a little lost inside MacAulay neighborhood.

Don't forget this Friday 2/9 F3 Movie Night 7pm Birkdale Movie Theater. See Scappy preblast.

Next Wednesday, Tuck VQ at The Mighty Oak. Come out support him.

Amen, well done. you're getting stronger.

Thanks to Bunyan for taken us out in prayer.

Swing State a big thank you for letting me lead this morning.