Mile Breakdown Workout

Event Date

Sep 21, 2016

7 fast runners, most of whom knew the planned workout (Catfish – do you even Twitter bro?), showed up to HalfLife today to get even faster.  Here's what went down:

0500:  Creeper, Gray Ghost, and YHC for a 2 mile warm up.  Met Calypso on the track, who we must have just missed.  We then did:

1 x 1600 meters at 5k pace

800 m recovery before it was time to collect the 5:30 joiners

0530:  Joined by Catfish, El Chapo, and Jenny, we did:


800 m warmup

The Thing:

1 x 1200 at 5k pace

400 recovery


1 x 800 at 5k pace

400 recovery


1 x 400 at 5k pace

400 recovery


1 x 1600 at 5k pace

800 recovery


1 x 1200 at 5k pace

400 recovery


Believe only Creeper and Gray Ghost had time for the rest:


1 x 800 at 3:10

400 recovery


1 x 400 at 1:35


Recover, recover. Total distance for #TheStandard and workout was 8.82 miles according to my Garmin, link below:



  1. Lots of BRR talk as all 7 runners competed in that glorious CSAUP event and generally loved every minute.
  2. Otherwise, not much mumble chatter other than the occasional "Good work buddy" whenever people crossed paths at different speeds owing to recovery segments being slower.
  3. In this workout, you aim to keep the early intervals under control so that you can finish strong.  And then…most ran out of time to finish!  Probably too much to pack into 70 minutes including the standard, let alone 45 minutes.
  4. "Slack" is cool.  You can get instant feedback from your Incognitian Teammates such as:  "You are batsh%t crazy" and "HL looks awful".  These 7 men were undetered by all that, and it was a pleasure getting faster with you.

Have a great day guys.  "I plead the 5th".