Mile Breakdown Workout at HalfLife – a Sequel

Event Date

Oct 02, 2019

9 PAX on a still humid October Wednesday at HalfLife.  This was a repeat of a workout from ~3 years ago:

Here is roughly what went down today:

0505: Tantrum arrives fashionably late and he and YHC got a little over 1 mile of a warmup.  Chamois showed up prior to 0530 as well and warmed up a bit.


800 meters together on the BRP track.

The Thing:

  • ~1600 meters (4 laps), instructions given as "at your 5k pace"
  • 800 meter "recovery"
  • 1200 meters at 5k pace
  • 400 m recovery
  • 800 m at 5k pace
  • 400 m recovery
  • 400 m at 5k pace
  • 400 m recovery
  • Repeato all.  But, in all honesty, it wasn't explained very well that to complete an entire 2nd round would require starting at 0500.  Belive Chamois was able to complete another 1600m and everyone else pretty much finished 1 full iteration.

Mileage varies from ~4 ish to roughly 7 ish for Chamois.  Great work gents.


  1. This Saturday, at The Estate, an F3 Dads / Kids workout.  Bring your little ones!  More details on Jaws Twitter and here:
  2. Believe this was Baller's first trip to HalfLife, welcome buddy.  Let's chat more about warming up, cooling down, etc.  I feel like I short changed you on some of the explanations, cobains.
  3. Folks, please help out new MQs!  Would someone reading this backblast kindly step up and take a Q at HalfLife for Duvall?  It's an easy Q.  800 meter repeats?  Boom, that's a workout idea!  1600 meter repeats?  Sure, why not.  Some combination, like today's workout?  Of course.  An exact copy of today's workout?  Yes, yes, yes.  Just sign up.
  4. Overheard from Dallas (who was late, btw):  "Mile repeats on the track?  Boring!"  Touche.  I signed you up to Q next week…looking forward to your creative workout!
  5. Thank you Duvall for the opportunity to lead.

Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3 Lake Norman!
