Mileage at Intervals

11 men emerged from the gloom to start on time at Fartlek.  An additional pax was a bit behind the 8 ball, so he figured out our whereabouts and met us a little further down the road.  All in all, 12 men braved the unknown to make themselves better and encourage others to do the same.  Yes, I know Fartlek is usually an earlier-established route that everyone agrees to and sets out in smaller groups to see how far they can get.  However, the term Fartlek is translated to mean speed-play.  I enjoy the notion of both of those words, so that’s what we did.  I tried to make a plan that any paced pax could stay with the main group and enjoy? a great interval run together.

WARMORAMA: Warm up run to the first round about. Toy Soldier x9ic while the 6 convened.  Continue warming up DOWN hardcore hill to the next round about. Long Snapper x9ic while the 6 convened.

THANG: Run for :30 toward Grand Oak at 75% max speed. Recover run back. Repeat a :30 run toward St. Marks at 75% max and a recovery return. Repeat the same back toward hardcore hill, recover back.

REPEATO the above with 1:00, 60-70% max speed in all 3 directions

REPEATO the above with 1:30, 50-60% max speed in all 3 directions

REPEATO the above with 2:00, 50% max speed toward Grand Oak (we ran out of time, so continued back with a hill interval up hardcore hill, got the 6 at the roundabout and continued back to the launch pad)

COBAINS: I made a clerical error on timing the return, basing the run back on the pace we ran out initially. All in all, we did about 4.7 miles and finished about 2:00 past 6:15 COBAINS (and you’re welcome?)


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Memorial Day Murph is exactly on the day you think it is. 0700 launch. Bring the name of a fallen service member to say in place of your own name during COT.