Miles & Mericans

The plan was to do a progressive Merican pyramid, while running 3 miles. Here's what happened:


Slow Mosey to the green for the warm-up

Slow Windmill 10 IC

Dwight Shrutes 10 IC


Toy Soldier 10 IC

Off we go..

Run to Robbins Park via the Turkey Trot route.

Stop for 10 Mericans IC

Run to next stop sign

10 Mericans IC + 10 jump squats OYO

Run to the next stop sign

10 Merican IC + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges each leg

Run to the next stop sign

10 Mericans IC + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges each leg + 10 Apollo Ono IC

Run to the next stop sign

10 Merican IC,+ 10 jump squats + 10 lunges + 10 Apollo Ono + 10 mountain climbers IC

Run to Catawba

10 Merican IC + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges + 10 Apollo Ono 

Run back dropping all excercises but the Mericans and jump squats

We were mostly successful as we ended up with 3 miles and 140 Mericans. We did a Mobility moment of pigeons, and then YHC surprised the PAX with 10 more Mericans to get to 150. Not a bad start to the morning.


Prayers are being lifted for Perry Mastercola (sp) and family, Fescue and family, PT and family, Billy Dougherty and family, and all the other unspoken prayers.

Good luck to those heading to the 10 yr anniversary next week, as well as all the PAX heading to Bourbon Chase, Tuna, Time Laps, Chicago and Boston Marathons, to name a few in the upcoming weeks.

Thanks to Thug for the opportunity to Q. This is a great AO, and a great format to combine running and pain stations.

Until next time,