Millenials and Hemorrhoids at The Foundry

Not listed (if they're on the website I couldn't find their name so help me out) Sqeaks, CamelBack, Hogendoss, Midgy


I believe their were 3 plus a pup for a standard but they all didn't run together…. who knows


As 5:30 approached more and more PAX were arriving and YHC was getting a little nervous because I hadn't Q'd in a while… alas the clock struck and away we went.



  • Mosey in a sepertine pattern through the parking lot towards the pull up bars throwing in High Knees, Butt Kickers, Quadrophelia, and Kareoke
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • The Burpee
  • IST x 15 IC
  • The Two Burpees
  • Carrott Puller x 15 IC
  • The Three Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC speeding up after #10
  • Mericans x 10 IC

The Thang

  • Grab a block and circle up
  • Bi's, Tri's, and Thigh's
    • Curls
    • Skull Crushers
    • Goblet Squats
      • Round 1 x 10 IC
      • Round 2 x 15 IC
      • Round 3 x 20 IC
        • 10 Pullups OYO in between each round
          • ** The Blocks kept going down to the ground after the curls and when I brought it up it was said that my millenial pace was hard to keep up with.. to which I responded "I'm a human being" which apparently is a very millenial thing to say… whoops
  • Parter up and line up with your blocks at the end of the parking lot
    • Partner 1 runs to end of parking lot and back to partner
    • Partner 2 farmer carries both blocks
    • Continue through parking lot in serpentine pattern
    • Drop one of the two blocks halfway through parking lot and continue with running and Zamperini
    • Once we got to the end of the parking lot by the cars, repeato in reverse starting with Zamperini then picking up the second block and continuing with Farmers Carry
  • Scrappy led some ab exercises as the PAX were making their way back to the starting point.
  • Return blocks and mosey back to launch
    • Jump skips on the way back


  • Pretzel Crunch x 15 IC each leg
  • Box Cutter x 10 IC
  • Straight Leg LBC x 10 IC each leg
    • I believe this is where Bunyan told the story of how DonHo pointed out some Hemorrhoids on him
  • Plank position
    • Pigeon

Recover Recover


  • Christmas party is tonight, if you didn't sign up its unfortunately too late, but Bunyan said if you really want to go, show up hammered and they'll have to let you in.
  • Blackbeard is calling for a Homecoming at Mighty Jungle tomorrow, show up and show out! Bailey Road Park will converge in celebration!
  • My dad got some good news after a brain MRI and there is no damage to his brain, they can't figure out why he is having issues with his sense of smell and taste, but luckily its not because of any issue with the brain, just a little thank you to God for watching over him.
  • Dingo has the Q at The Sword on Monday.
  • Probably missed something, comment below if I did.
  • Thank you Bunyan for the chance to lead and thank you for taking us out in prayer.

Mr. Holland