Mini-BRR x 2

Event Date

Sep 09, 2017

Since Master Q Turnpike is at BRR eating up the miles, he asked YHC to lead today's Excelsior.  Sure, I've been at the site once, why not?

Having run the River Rat 10k before and really liking it, the plan was formulated to run the River Rat 10k once at 5:00 am and again at 6:00 am.  Apparently this has never been done before.  Who knew?

At 4:59 am, YHC stood lonely in the parking lot ready to embark sad clown style on the first loop.  Thankfully, Big Montana rolled in right on time and joined for a great run through the crisp morning air.  We commented several times how much like the BRR the route felt this morning.  There were country roads, fog and cows, gravel roads through the woods, everything you could imagine being on a leg of the BRR.  Some things we had that you may have missed if you are at the BRR: Jumping of locked gates and the distinct smell of sewage treatment.  Overall however, it was a very BRR'esque morning at Excelsior.  

At 6:00 am, Big Montana and YHC were joined by Mr. Burns, 66 (cotters) and Big Montana's brother who is an FNG.  It was voted to run the 2nd RR10k in reverse for road safety (and to see different views).  At 6:02 am, BM received natures call and he and his brother stayed back to start a bit late.  66 is coming back from an injury and wanted no part of the full RR10k and elected for a quick 4 – 5 miles instead.  This left Mr. Burns and YHC to charge up some significant hills which somehow seem worse in reverse.  The second running also had a distinct BRR feel and one particularly idyllic scene with the sun coming up over a fog covered field filled with cows and chirping birds.  It was very nice.  

At 7:00 am, we circled up. Prayed for safety and good times for our BRR brothers and were on our way.  

Thanks Turnpike for the opportunity to lead Excelsior.   RR10k is now a new favorite.