Mini Ladders at The Estate

The Estate is an awesome AO, so 13 PAX explored it and tried to take advantage of everything it has to offer.  YHC had planned for several long ladders, but realized it was too much to fit into 60 minutes and audibled to "Mini-Ladders" so we could get to all of them.  Here is roughly how it all went down:

0700:  Mosey to the top of the parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.  Circle up at the top of the highest soccer field.

Quick disclaimer.



  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC followed by 2 Jump Squats OYO) x 3
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC

Shoulders:  (Entire sequence below stolen from Treadmill at a Myrtle Beach AO)

  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • Air presses x 15 IC
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down

Mini Ladder Thing:

Ladder 1:

  • 10 burpees OYO
  • Sideways plank walk down hill to soccer field, with 5 Mericans on the way down
  • LBCs x 25 OYO, plank while waiting
  • Crawl bear up hill
  • Repeato, with 8 burpees at the top, 4 Plank walk Mericans on the way down, and 20 LBCs at the bottom

Mosey across Beatties Ford Road (despite Kid Rock's mama's advice not to) to the walls at the Carrington Ridge neighborhood entrance for:

Ladder 2:

  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Derkins x 10 IC
  • Steps Ups x 10 each leg OYO
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Derkins x 5 IC
  • Jump ups x 20 OYO, at a shorter part of the wall

Mosey back across Beatties Ford to the front of the school for:

Ladder 3:

  • Walk crab up the hill (arms first)
  • Diamond Mericans x 10 IC
  • Crab walk down the hill
  • Diamond Mericans x 5 IC

Mosey clockwise around the front of the school and stop at the park in the back.  Partner up, size didn't matter, for:

Ladder 4:

  • Partner 1:  Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • Partner 2:  Jump Squats x 20 OYO
  • Flip flop and repeato with 5 pull-ups and 10 jump squats.

Take an upper body break by running around the painted track, then another half lap running backwards.

Mosey down the to the rock pile.  Instructions were to grab a "medium sized" rock, but Smash still grabbed a giant one.

Ladder 5:

  • Skull crushers x 15 OYO
  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Repeato all above with reps of 10, 10, and 5.

Take rock to hill facing rock pile, hold in skull crusher position for 15 seconds, then throw rocks back into pile.

Mosey to the track and find your partner on the way for:

  • Partner 1:  Run a lap around the track…backwards
  • Partner 2:  Elbow plank while waiting
  • Flip flop.

Then Ladder 6:

  • Slow deep squats x 20 IC
  • Jump Squats x 20 OYO
  • Repeato with 10 of each
  • Repeato with 5 of each
  • (I could be mis-remembering the reps above?  Was tired by that time)

Mosey to the parking lot and circle up for a short Mary.


  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up.  HOLD for:
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 15 IC (courtesy of Snake Eyes)

Recover, recover.  Total distance was 1.66 miles according to my Garmin, link below:


  1. Prayers for Toxic's mom, for many 2.0s of Isotope PAX going to college as Freshman, for 2.0s playing football, and for BEAUTIFUL baby girls blessed to Smokey and Blackberry and their Ms.
  2. Some were worried attendance would be light because many Dads were away this weekend at camp.  The Force opted to stay in town because of all the Moms NOT at camp.  This guy!
  3. Believe this was Big Rock's first Saturday double down.  You looked strong out there brother!
  4. We rolled in from Excelsior and saw a fast dude running laps on the track.  Mentioned to Jaws that surely it must be Lex Luther.  Actually, it was Smash!  Looking fast out there buddy.
  5. Frogger, strong work.  You somehow kept up with us as we traversed a large portion of the AO.  On one hand, I'm impressed!  On the other hand, shame on me for not shutting you down.  Seriously, cut the sh*t !  I'm telling Olive on you, so he can unmercifully convince you not to re-injure yourself.  Just kidding, we love the effort…but please exercise caution buddy.
  6. Thank you Jaws for leading Excelsior today.  And I mean literally leading…you are getting fast buddy!
  7. Believe this was supposed to be a convergence with the Isotope AO, but looks like  Mayhem and others opted for 7 miles of running in Davidson.  We did get a visit from Kid Rock, which was awesome.  Good to see you again, and we agreed we need to make it over to each other's side of town more often for workouts.
  8. Strong double downs from Snake Eyes and Jaws.  Awesome to see how strong you've both become at running.
  9. Also strong double downs from Dry Rub, Magnus, Tiramisu, Lone Star, and Big Rock (as mentioned).  That hill on the way back from Jim Kidd rock is tough, but we all powered through it.
  10. Eeyore came in fresh for The Estate, and it showed.  He blazed through this workout easily.  Great work.
  11. Thank you Professor for the opportunity to lead.  Looking forward to getting back out there with you on a Saturday soon for a Triple down.
  12. Reminder that on Aug 27th, both Excelsior and The Estate will converge with the Isotope 5 year anniversary workout.  It's a big deal, please plan on attending!

Have a great weekend fellas,
