Mini Murph

Event Date

Mar 18, 2024

YHC volunteered to Q as a self defense measure against a potential’Clark’ Q!  

Warm Up

The usual:  WM, TS, ST, CP, MC, Sun Salute, Up/down dog, calf raises.

Main Event

Rt 66 around parking lot with rest stops for: burpees, dips, step ups, merkins, squats.  End at down under bars.

Partner up for ‘Mini Murph’.  One pax moseys to top of lot and back while partner does sequence of; 50 x pull ups, 100 merkins, 150 squats.  Flip flop and pick up count.  We did this for two complete rotations.  Rave reviews I might add! Not!  Mosey to launch pad.


LBCs, pretzel crunch.

Verse of the day: John 1:4. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

Prayers for: George, sister Paula/Ken, our children and grands.

Pleasure to lead!