Mini Murph and 4 FNGS at Mighty Jungle

16 (17 after 15 minutes in) Men arouse from the shadows of True Grit to take on the Mighty Jungle

It went down like this.

*Missing 2 Pax 


Mosey to the roundabout in from of St Marks

Circle up


10 IC Mericans

15 IC Cotton Pickers


@ Copper Head Hill


1 Merican at Bottom, 10 Squat Jumps at Top

Increase Mericans by 1, Decrease squats by 1.

By the end we had our 17th Pax show up

therefore we all circled up at the top of Copperhead Hill

Warmorama 2



Mosey to Roundabout with two sets of 10 Mericans thrown in

Wheel Barrow to 25 yards, 

Flip Flop

P1 Bear Crawl 25 Yards, P2 Lunge walk

Flip Flop

Indian run to the Pull up Bars

Mini Murph

Partner 1- Pullups, Partner 2- Run a lap, Flip Flop – Goal 100

Partner 1- Mericans, Partner 2 – Run a lap, Flip Flop – Goal 200

Audible (Pax were smoked)

Mosey to the Blocks

100, 200, 300s

P1 – Skull Crushers , P2 Run a lap, Flip Flop – Goal 100

P1- Curls, P2 Run a lap, Flip FLop Goal 200

P1 Goblet Squats, P2 Run a lap, Flip Flop, Goal 300



50 IC Low Flutters

20 IC Dying Cockroach 

Alphabet – IC

Low Dollies IC X 20



Thanks Rocket for allowing me to have the Q at Mighty Jungle. I love this AO

Thanks Blackbeard for holding me accountable- Kind of- really only making me write a BB

Welcome to the 4 FNGS.  3 FNGS got names (Mary Jane, Marky Mark, Mama June), 1 first post – Rob.  Well done by all!  I look forward to seeing yall in the gloom. 

It started out with a lot of chatter.  The chatter died down quick.  The goal of this workout was to keep moving, and I feel like we all did a great job of this.  Strong work by all!

It was an honor to post with you men!