Minimal creativity = Lots of suggestions

23 Pax got their Java on with a simple route out the greenway to Westmoreland Rd and back.

Warm-o-Rama included SSHs, Toy Soldier, Cotton Pickers, Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers.

Loop included three stops:

First two stops were for 10 merkins IC, 15 squats IC and 20 LBCs IC. Mumble chatter about lack of creativity inspired YHC to mix it up at last stop with 10 Carolina Dry Docks IC, 15 Monkey Humpers IC and 10 WWII sit-ups OyO.

Pax that ran fast were treated to various stretches. Moses, Hippie, 8-track and Riverboat all led the pax and were running strong.

Two minutes of Mary for Snake Eyes shoulder tap Merkins and some low flutter.

Welcome FNG Sean Swift with 2nd post. He will be henceforth known as Granby in honor of his wrestling roots.. 

Great 2nd F at coffeeteria with this large group plus Gnarly Goat and Blackbeard from other AOs.

A privilege to lead today and thanks to Moby Dick and The Count for asking YHC to Q.




