Minimal Morning Dew Means Shoes Stay Dryish

Event Date

Mar 01, 2023

Being the first of March today brings with it many “National Day of _________”

National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, National Pig Day, National Fruit Compote Day (Don’t recommend combining those), National Horse Protection Day (I didn’t know horses ever used protection. How do you educate horses to practice family planning. Maybe that’s why they have the long face), National Dadgum That’s Good Day, National Minnesota Day (Really who cares about that), National Sunkist Citrus Day, but it’s also National Self Injury Awareness Day. One serious one out of the bunch. 4% of Americans commit self-harm and the majority of those are college students. People who self-harm may try to hide their injuries which are typically clothes not in season.

What we did today has nothing to do with any of that.

Toy Soldiers
Dippy Birds
Grandma Maters
Tony Hawks

The Thing

Parking Lot Fun
Partner up – Partner A does a stationary exercise, while Partner B does the mobile exercise up the parking lot hill and back, Flapjack then plank after each round.

Round 1 – Merkins and Lunge Walk up
Round 2 – Squats and Bear Crawl up, crawl bear back
Round 3 – Alternating Merkin T-planks, Quadraphilia up and mosey back
Round 4 The Burner round – Diamond Merkins, Dragon Walk up and mosey back

Mosey down to the pull-up bars
10 pull-ups (or modified), 1 lap around the field. Repeato

Mosey to the blocks and over to bottom of the hill
5 IC High Curls
5 IC Low Curls
5 IC Full Curls
5 IC Bent Curls
5 IC Squatting Curls
Run up the hill to the wall, 20 wall kicks and back to the blocks

10 IC Skull Crushers
10 IC Shoulder Presses
10 Squat Thrusters
10 Deep swimmers Press
Blocks away, Run up the hill to the wall, 20 wall kicks, wall sit 60 seconds, then mosey back to grab Bertha’s water by the pull-up bars

Okay, one more repeato round of 10 pull-ups and mosey back to the launch pad

LBC, Pretzel Crunch, Dr W’s, Homer to Marge, Dolly Partons, American Hammer

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

30 pull-ups 48 hours post Murph hurts
Prayers up today as some of us are going through some trying times in life
Prayers up for co-workers battling deamons
Prayers up for the Hammond family at LCS who lost their father in a traffic accident yesterday
Thank you men for sharpening my iron today with the whetstone of brotherhood