Minute to win it from the Hockey Rink…

Minute to win it from the Hockey Rink…

It was a blessing to have a nice turnout today; I think the most I ever had.  Thanks for coming out and allowing me to give you all a good beat down.

66 glad you came out under the circumstances and we hope for a quick recovery, we miss you.  Thank you 9 lives for bringing 2 FNG’s (Travis & Joel).  I hope it was a memorable experience and hope they come back. 

Although I think the 5k that I ran with Fenway, T-bone, and 9 Lives was probably not a good idea seeing that the last time I ran was 2 weeks prior and then having the Q after that.  Maybe to much for one day..  

Well it all started with a Mosey around the parking lot which included

            High knees

            Butt kickers

            Karaoke’s each side

Circle up with disclosure and 10 Burpees

Than led a Trip to the Block Pile to load up with some extra fun, after that we split up into buddies and size didn’t matter.

After missing my winky and was determined that it was Limburger that stole it I found it back at the rock pile.  Due to me dropping my winky everyone was punished with Minutes of the Zamperini…


Let the fun begin = Everyone partners up

  • Partner 1 planks for 1 min
  • Partner 2 does the first exercises listed below for 1 min
  • 15 second rest
  • Partner 2 planks for 1 min
  • Partner 1 does the same exercise that partner 2 just did

Repetto but now do the next exercise on the list…

  1. Squat jump
  2. Squat with overhead press
  3. Hockey stick curls
  4. Line Jumps
  5. Push the rock
  6. Block Swings Left / Middle / Right
  7. Hockey Stick Cinder block rows
  8. Lateral step up – 2 blocks one foot side to side
  9. Merkin alternate each hand on the block
  10. Russian Twist with rock


Audibled half way through and made everyone do 1 lap around the track and then Repettod  the last 2 exercises on the list…

Circled up for Mary with 1 minute left and ended with squats…


Again thank you all for coming out, I hope it was a memorable one and look forward to seeing everyone again, that’s if t-bone welcomes me back.. 

Thank you,
