Miracle on……Quarry

Event Date

Feb 23, 2021

Dos dudes fought thru a thick layer of windshield ice to come out to the Quarry and celebrate the 41 year anniversary of the Miracle on Ice.  It seemed very fitting that there was a hockey stick involved.


SSH, TS, Windmill and Carrot pullers

The Thang

Cinder block pain stations. Bringing back a classic

Each separate stations with two exercises at each station. We did 15 reps of each of these except as noted

1 – Bent over row w/ cinders at each end of a hockey stick; Incline mercans with cinders and hockey stick

2 – Squats w/ OH Press; Skull crushers

3 – Alternating mercans w/ cinder – 12

4 – Gun show curls; Upright row for trapezious

5 – Alternating steps on cinder; Back and forths on cinder – 50

6 – Mason twist with medicine ball; squat to jump with medicine ball

7 – Jerk and press (alternating sides); Lunges with a twist

8 – Jump rope (sans rope) – 50; Mountain climbers – 20

Set 1 – do first exercise at each of the 8 stations, then run around parking lot twice

Set 2 – do second exercise at each of the 8 stations, then run around parking lot twice

Set 3 – see set 1

Set 4 – see set 2

Set 5 – combination platter of both exercises in each station (10 reps each) and bail on the run


  • The Miracle may be that people actually showed up

  • Q actually went to the Lake Placid Olympics in 1980 for a day and saw all three of the medal winning teams play (US beat West Germany, the Soviet Union beat Canada and Sweden beat Czechoslovakia)

  • Cinders were inspired by a comment made last week as well as a case of cinder envy with the Huntersville F3 crew who have dedicated block storage at a lot of their workouts

  • Cranked up the Johnny Cash music for Set 2 so as to 1) kick up the energy levels and 2) drown out the grunting sounds since there are neighbors close by

  • That sure is a lot of setup for just two dudes

  • F3 Nation expansion updates from corporate

    • F3 is expanding into Germany and Kenya this year

    • Believe they may have already exceeded the originally stated 2021 goal of 100 regions, 1,400 AO’s, and 40k Pax

    • The 2025 F3 expansion goals are 1,000 regions, 15,000 AOs and 250k Pax

    • If interested, you can opt in to receiving the FS Nation newsletter at f3nation.com

  • This workout definitely has a place in the Natty workout hall of fame

  • I believe in Miracles! Solid!.