Misshaped clocks and hills

Mosey a lap around bus parking lot 


SSH 25x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

Toy Soldiers 15x IC

Windmill 15x IC


Grab your bell, we are Zamperining to the hill.


3 rounds:

10x IC squats

10x IC curls

10x IC overhead press

10x IC skull crushers 

10x IC bent over rows

10x IC chest press


After round 1, run up hill, 10 diamond merkins, run down hill

After round 2, bear crawl up hill, 10 shoulder touch merkins, crawl bear down

After round 3, quadraphilia up hill, 10 man maker merkins, quadraphilia down


Grab your bell, we are on the move again and Zamperining to circle in front of school.


3 rounds

3 o’clock – 3 (8) count burners

6 o’clock- 6 single arm clean to press

9 o’clock- 9 single arm curls

12 o’clock- 12 single arm plank rows


Lunge walk between positions on clock.


Zamperining back to launching point


Circle up for Mary

15x IC The W w/ KB

10x IC Mason Twist w/ KB

10x IC LBCs w/ KB

Rosalita 15x IC

Big baby crunch 15x IC


Recover Recover








Thanks to everyone who joined me in the gloom this morning.


Everyone for the most part seems to be getting back into the swing that workouts start at 5:30.


Titan finally graced us with an appearance this morning.


Hard work was put in by all. 


Moses forgot to tell us it was his birthday. Kudos to you for getting out of bed on your special Day. Happy Birthday!


Soprano has the Q at Gladiator tomorrow, Deep Dish at the General Friday, and Titan    maybe Thursday at Fission.


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie