Mixing It up At the Blender… TWICE!

Event Date

May 11, 2021

5 of LKNs finest and YHC came out to mix it up at the Blender.  There was no rain and the weather was a cool high 50's.  This is how it went:


Mosey about 50 feet to under the awning for some good acoustics with the Bt speaker. 


Warm-up Stretches – Assorted Variety


Long Snapper


Toy Sailor


Now 5x PAX had to go back 50 and get their bell, because YHC didn't think that part through when we moseyed.  


    The Thang

All exercises 10x Each, some IC and some OYO

Low Curls

KB Swings

Cleans – Watch Crusher

Goblet Squats

High Curls

Bent Row

Full Curls

Overhead Press

Reverse Lunge

Skull Crusher

Up Row

Single Arm Swings

Around the World

Figure 8

Hot Potato


Suitcase Lift- Traveler

Lawn Mower

Sling Blade



And then, YHC stated that was one set, and we were going to start all over.  A lie, of course, we only had 14 minutes left and it took 30 to get through the first time.  


The Colt 45 – 15 low, 15 hi, 15 full curls in cadence. 


All on their 6 for…


Chest press

Danger zone

American hammer

Ww2 with bell


     Mary Go 'Round

The plan here is all pax do one Mary exercise.  It has to be IC, and can only be 10 reps. 

TG/YHC – Lo Flutter

Flo – 'Merkin 

Router – LBC – nice job on his VC (virgin cadence)

Ultraman – Elbow Plank Punch (S2K)

Flo – V ups with the bell 

Toxic – Burpees, IC, 6 count. Not what YHC was expecting. *mindblown*

YHC – Dot The I (since Toxic choose the burpees)

Finished out with some more Stretch, Lo' Pidgeon, forward fold…


Recover, Recover




Good times had by all.  Nice work, Gents!  


Flo showed up right on time, even though he had to drop a PAX off at another AO. 

Router showed up with a brand new kettlebell, perplexed on why they called it though. *barney*

Toxic surprised all with the Mary Burpees.  Before he called it, YHC asked him "not to let me down", and since he cares about our fitness, he didn't. 

Ultraman was slinging the 35 pounder around today rather easily.  Nice work!*bicep*

Also, good to see a fresh face with Cowbell this AM.  Hope to see him back again!

Thanks to Flo, for the chance to lead. 


And Tclaps to Toxic and Ultraman who signed up to Q at Blender on the spot with a request from the MQ.  That is how it is done!  *thumbsup*


TG sends, Aye.  *merica*