Mixing up the Norms

Event Date

May 25, 2017


Perfect morning North of the wall.  Confusion sets in early as Q thinks everyone is too set in their ways.  Time to mix things up.  Good mumble chatter and laughs as always.  

Warm up:

Various sundries “around” the square



1st Fun Plan:

Everyone grab a block

AMRAP for 1 minute-ish

1 – Block Squats

2 – Duck Walk w Block

3 – Block Shoulder-ups (alternating)

4 – Block Curls

5 – Bear Crawls around the square

6 – Block Walking Lunges

7 – Block Burpees

8 – Walk w/ overhead block

9 – Block Jump-overs

10 – Skull Crushers


Abbreviated repeat-o 2nd time, for 10 count only


2nd Fun Plan:

Back to Playground


Negative Hold Murph

Pull-ups – 5 count neg down X 5 reps

Merkins w/ blocks on back – 5 count neg down X 5 reps

Block Squats – 5 count neg down X 5 reps


Repeat-o till 6:10



10 (IC) Low Dolly

10 (IC) Rosalita

10 (IC) W reach ups

10 (IC) Dr. W’s


Reflection: Discipline = Freedom

Many think that freedom is doing whatever you want.  Spending your money on whatever you want, eating whatever you want, then complaining because you don’t have enough money or you’re too fat to get off the couch.

Freedom requires discipline. If you want to live a successful life financially, if you want to take trips and travel the world, you need disciplined spending habits to save, and/or disciplined work habits to earn. You also need disciplined training habits to push your body farther than you could yesterday so you can get more out of life today.

Freedom to be lazy  isn’t freedom, because you’re limiting what you can do.  You are a victim to ease, sloth, or the heart condition you have thanks to your Big Mac addiction.

You can’t have freedom while being a victim

Strength, skill and grit requires self-reliance. If you’re looking to others to save you; rescue you, then you’re not going to have freedom."

Always remember, you are the hero in your story.



Mole Skin:

  • Great turn out, perfect weather

  • Welcome FNG-1 Marc. B/c you hail from the largest apple producing state in the union, we dub thee: Fuji Welcome aboard.

  • Note to Mustang: SVU now claims Mulligan and Nittany

  • Good Zingers this morning, as usual, they can be written down  

  • Dandelion calls out Q on attendance consistency – guilty as charged

  • Forgot how much fun Partner push-pulls are

  • Writing BB, Q realizes it was too dark for Wenke reading

  • BB list what’s supposed to be done, actual workout may differ????

  • Nittany and Cheetah killed round one

  • Block Duckwalks = Fail (primarily due to lack of Pax effort)

  • Negative Murp = Big Fun

  • Beast mode goes to Clark who hit Neg Merkins with double blocks – that’s 64# pounds (or like having Skipper sit on his back)

  • Not sure how many rounds we did, but at 6:10, Pax strongly encouraged everyone to move on to Mary

  • T-claps to Dandelion for the ride home

  • Thanks for opportunity to lead.  Really enjoyed this morning.


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb