
FNG 1 is Dr J., FNG 2 is Link

Great turn out for a crisp, clear morning for CBs.

Warm Up

SSH, Toy Soldiers, CP, WM, TieFighter 

The Thang

RT 66; mosey around lot to block pile with 11 stops x 6 reps, sequence is Burpees, merkins, squats plus step ups at the three benches.

CBs x 6 reps: (check Lexicon for description) Hodor, CPR, Colt 45, Rock aBye Baby (real crowd pleaser), Rocks Up, Top Gun (10 minutes of curls, rows, lifts, press, squat w/Burpee every minute) another crowd pleaser if you can go by lack of mumble chatter!  Finale is Welsh Dragon or CB drag with merkins mixed in.  Mosey lap back to launch pad.


Low Flutter kick, Pretzel Crunch

Reflection: 1 Peter 3:15 " In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect."

Special Prays for Travolta's son,  Bertha's family, Link's soon to be 'new born'.