MMM – Bell Lap – Ding Ding

YHC is posting this a day late – so I fully expect that any similarities to what we actually did are a coincidence.  Actually it's probably close (ish).

7 PAX looking to be made into men gathered in the gloom – and without some key mumblers, the group was relatively quiet.  The PAX was joined by Omega's dog Bailey.  Not sure if that's his F3 name or hospital name.

We hoisted our bells – and this is what we did –


SSH x 25 IC

Mosey around the parking lot to 131 Main and back (get used to this)

Lunge walk across the parking lot swinging your bells between your legs as you went.

Repeato lunge walking, swinging bells.


YHC had a Ryder Cup based workout planned – but somehow it didn't seem to work as well with just 7 – so I kept some of the ideas and went with most of this on the fly.  Luckily, we got into a rhythm early on – and it all seemed to come together. 

At the launch area – we performed several kettle bell exercises (see below)

After a round of exercises we partnered up to perform a farmer's carry lap around the parking lot (incluing passing the smelly dumpster – ugh!)

Partner 1 started the FC – while partner 2 did an exercise and then caught up to Partner 1.  Bells were exchanged, pleasantries passed – and this went on back and forth until the lap was completed.

We did 5 laps:

KB Exercises – Swings, 8-ct Curl/Squat/Press, Curls Lo/High/Full

Lap 1 – 3 Burpees then catch your partner

KB Exercises – Squats, Hip to Around your head, Up right rows

Lap 2 – 10 CDD then catch your partner

KB Exercises – Lawn Mowers 15 each arm, Chest Press, Lawn Mowers, Chest Press, Upright Rows

Lap 3 – 10 Mericans then catch your partner

KB Exercises – Russian Twists, Chest Press, WW II Sit-ups

Lap 4 – 20 Mountain Climbers then catch your partner

KB Exercises – One Handed KB Swings, One Armed Overhead Press, Curls

Lap 5 – 3 Burpees then catch your partner


LBCs, Dying Cockroach, Pretzel Crunch, Rosalita, Elbow Plank


– Thanks to Shaken and Metallica for leading this AO and for giving me the chance to Q my first KB workout.  I'll get my second chance when I Q the Cauldron on 10/28.

– Great group of men this morning – everybody put their heads down and got to work.  I hope you got what you came for.

– Prayers went up for Oysters's in-laws as well as a co-worker of Deep Dish.

– Take full advantage of the gift that we all have in F3.  Lean on your brothers in time of need, and let them know when there are times of joy in your life.  The joys become greater and the burdens become lighter through the power of the PAX.