MMM Murph – the 2nd edition

Event Date

Mar 28, 2022

3 men crushed the 2nd shift Murph at MMM today.  Here is the brief recap:

– pb goes out with a launch point of 131 main.  This is old school as the new launch point is JV Washam.  Did not know this until this morning though.

– drive to 131 main.  Thankfully Landline pulls in too.  We start our watches and proceed to run to JV Washam.  

– upon arrival we find Omega and he asks if we are doing round 2 of the Murph.  After a brief chuckle by me since there is no way I'm in shape to do a double-Murph Omega explains that there was a text that went around saying that the Murph was happening at 0500.

– The three of us begin our pull-ups.  I personally have missed The Murph at this AO and when it was a monthly convergence where we filled both of the school's playgrounds.   They have added artificial turf which is nice especially for me today as I'll explain soon.

– Callahan and then Outlaw stopped by to check on us and make sure we were doing the exercises in good form.

– Landline, Omega, and me finished all pull-ups and all merkins.  Landline and Omega also did all squats whereas I had to do a combo of LBCs and low-flutters due to my knee being blown up and twice the size of a normal knee.  

–  the 2nd F was terrific, and we learned that we all 3 have seniors in high school heading to colleges next year.  Lacrosse, track and cross country were among our discussion topics.  

– We COT'd and Omega took us out.  Landline and I heading back to 131 and Omega completing the updated route.  

Another great Monday morning setting us all up for a strong week.  Gray Ghost out