MMM Voluntold


8 PAX answered the call (or bell) this chilly morning.


SSH, IST, Windmill, Toy Soldier, Long Snappers, lap around parking lot

The Thang:

The PAX gathered in a circle in the parking lot for Kettle Bell exercises including a mixture of those listed below, followed by 1 lap around the school, followed by another round. PAX stopped during each of the laps to perform pull-ups, squats, and dips on the playground. Also, Rocky Balboa’s and Incline Mericans on the curb before returning to launch.


Shoulder presses

Skull Crushers

8 Count Burners


Power to the People

American Hammer / Russian Twist




30/30/30 each of Mericans, Squats, and LBCs

Rosalita                Deep Dish
Pretzel Crunch    Air Stream
Chest Press         Greyhound
Break Dancer     Omega
LBC                      MacBeth


I received an email last Thursday informing me I had the Q at MMM this morning.  Since I don’t remember signing up, I assume I had been voluntold and prepared accordingly.  Worked out great since I needed the push in any case.

Good group this morning. Had some mumblechatter to start, but the group settled in and got down to business. As expected, Power to the People was not popular but since Oyster showed for the workout, I felt compelled to make sure this one was part of the routine. Cobains to the angry mollusc…

Prayers for the injured brothers Holiday, Soprano, & MacBeth. Wishing speedy recovery for all.

Happy to report 100 % attendance for coffeteria afterwards!

Thanks to CobraKai for the chance to lead.