MMM was full of hard chargers

Event Date

Apr 08, 2024

7 Pax got it done today at Man Maker Monday. Here’s what went down:


Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x25 (50)

-Imperial Storm Troopers x20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x20 (40)

-Slow Wind Mill x10 (10)

-Lil’ Professor/Dwight Schrute/long snapper/carrot puller/slippery dip can/soap locator x10 (10)

The Thang

Circuit 1 (IC):

-KB Overhead press x20 (40)

-KB Skull crusher x20 (40)

-KB Squats x20 (40)

-KB Swings x20 (20)

-KB deadlift x20 (20)

-KB lawn mower (alternate sides) x10 (40)

-KB calf raises x20 (40)

Circuit 2-On your 6 (IC):

-KB Chest press x20 (40)

-KB plank transfer/drag/switch x20 (60)

-KB Russian Twist x20 (40)

-Windshield wiper x20 (40)

-Low flutter with KB extension x20 (40)

-WWII’s w/KB (yes, you read this right) x20

-Glute bridge extension x5 w/ thrusters x15 (35)

Circuit 3-KB Blackjack:

And then it was the moment that YHC had waited for, as the hand that was about to be dealt. “If you’re gonna play the game, boys, you gotta learn to play it right”. All Pax are to get as close to 21 (or to  21) as possible, so OYO:

-20 curls to 1 lbc’s (lap run between)

-19 curls to 2 lbc’s (lap run between)

-18 curls to 3 lbc’s (lap run between)

-17 curls to 4 lbc’s (lap run between)

-16 curls to 5 lbc’s (lap run between)

-15 curls to 6 lbc’s (lap run between)

-14 curls to 7 lbc’s (lap run between)

-13 curls to 8 lbc’s (lap run between)

-12 curls to 9 lbc’s (lap run between)

-11 curls to 10 lbc’s (lap run between)

Mobility Moment

-10 curls to 11 lbc’s (lap run between)

-9 curls to 12 lbc’s (lap run between)

-8 curls to 13 lbc’s (lap run between)

-7 curls to 14 lbc’s (lap run between)

The dealer over-deal (due to time), so the festivities folded at a hand of 14.

A total of 189 curls, 189 LBC’s, and 14 laps were completed.

Recover, Recover


Way to go today gents. Yosemite, Oyster, Hat Trick, Swayze, Roadkill, all got it done in the gloom.  YHC is proud of all of you for crushing it today. It was great having Swayze join us this morning. He is proof that runners can also do bootcamps and walk away feeling like a stud. It’s always great to start the day with my F3 brothers.


Prayer Requests:

-Oyster’s Brother in law, Richie, triple by pass

-Remember the Castronovo family in Mooresville-father passed leaving behind his wife and children. Please pray for their family.

-Remember Toby’s wife and some things she continues to deal with.

-Pax who are caregiving for aging parents and health issues among them.

-Unspokens in all F3 circles.


-QVQ Final is on Wednesday at Ludicrous Speed

-North Carolina Marine Mud Run General Information

-Take That Hill October 5th

-Kiawah Island Triathlon October 6th

-JFK 50 Mile Ultra November 23rd

-Bourbon Chase 200 mile Relay October 4-5th

-There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.

-Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, Mr TOBoto, etc.)
