Slow mosey to lot by movie theater
SSH x 25
IST x 25
Cotton Picker x 25
Mini Burpee Sandwich (10 merkins/5 burpees/10 merkins)

The Thang(s)
Bear Crawl down Cranlyn to Bridgeton
Crab Walk down Bridgeton to Pennington

Partner Up

Partner Carry to Pool Parking Lot
Other Partner Carry Back to Bridgeton
Wheelbarrow ½ way back to pool parking lot – Switch 
Bear Crawl to Bridgeton and Pennington

Slow Mosey to rocks – bring them back to parking lot
Mini Burpee Sandwich
4 rocks to the right
Curls x 10 IC
4 rocks to the right
Skull crushers x 10 IC
4 rocks to the right
Shoulder Press x 10 IC
4 rocks to the right
Rock swings x 10 IC
 Put rocks back

Partner carry to the Green, switching half way
Mini Burpee Sandwich
Carolina Dry Docks X 10 IC
WWII Sit Ups x 20 OYO

Mosey to ramp by Lindholm and Formby 
Mini Burpee Sandwich
Lunge Walk Up
Lunge Walk Down
Mini Burpee Sandwich

Mosey the long way past the downed tree to the wall in the deck
People’s Chair with Air Presses x 10 IC
Mini Burpee Sandwich

Mosey back to fountain

Crunchy Frog
J Lo/Pickle Pounder (J Lo Pounder?) x 20 IC
Low Flutter x 30 IC
Mak’Tar Jais x 20 IC
Rosalita x 20 IC
Homer to Marge (Marge to Homer?)

Recover, Recover

-Awesome turnout this AM for a sub-freezing beatdown. 
-Impressed by the PAX (or disappointed in myself that it wasn’t hard enough) that there were no BS calls.                                                                                                                                          -Welcome FNG Smash!
-Outlaw loves Burpee Sandwiches
-YHC confused Rosalita and J-Lo, forgot how old I am…must have been cold…or early…or both.
-Outlaw was VERY closely monitoring everyone’s  J Lo form…enough said.
-Based on the PAX poor J Lo form…a new exercise might have been born. J Lo + Pickle Pounder = J Lo Pounder?!
-February 6th is Polar Bear at Latta Plantation. Arrive 0700. Launch 0730
-Samson is every Thursday. They move heavy stuff. You will get stronger.                                     -Jedi is taking the PAX through the bible. Follow him on Twitter to get the info or check it out right here on F3isotope.com 
-Outlaw is forging a partnership with the Joe Martin ALS foundation – I think there will be burpees. In all sincerity, this will be a great opportunity to get involved and be a leader in our community.
-There might also be a book club? I don’t know if this was a joke or not. The title of the book is “Get it On” which doesn’t help clarify…I think there is free beer. Talk to Outlaw.
-If you aren’t on F3isotope.com yet, what are you waiting for? Beatdown schedules, 2nd F, 3rd F…lots of F’s on there. Check it out.
-Lake Forest Men’s Breakfast on Saturday at 8AM. Beatdown at 7AM. 
-T Claps to Little Ben for getting out there and giving it 110% this AM at 0530. Love seeing Hate, Hate, Hates in the gloom. Really love seeing sons get 1st and 2nd F in with their dads. Can’t wait until my 2.1 is old enough to join us for beatdowns…

Thanks to Hippie for the honor of "directing" this AM.I always learn something about the PAX when I lead and more importantly I learn something about myself. I never take this opportunity for granted and I hope that even in the smallest way that you are a better man now than you were at 0529 this AM.