Modeling Session at BRP

16 gathered at BRP seeking a detailed and well executed workout. Ah, BS! These bloody posers came for a chance to get their photo taken and be in the most read journal in all of the Basin. Literally, 10's of subscribers. Unbelievably popular. 

As if on queue, the finest speed racer throughout LKN blazed through the lot at top speed of 38.3mph (mostly due to the help of a spoiler larger than the rig itself) and parked himself in a spot at 6:59am. Upon exit, he introduced himself as the One they call Ken. At 0700, YHC announced the "Let's Roll", however, NiteStick quickly gave into the Ken's request for a beefy group shot. *So as not to offend anyone, please note that not all in the group photo are considered beefy.  

It was pleasing to see that everyone followed the memo to wear an F3 shirt. Clown show for real.

Group photo done, we took off down the lot for a little stretch that included a great monkey humper photo opportunity for the Ken. I should pause to explain that Freepass had a complex the entire time while the Ken had his lens out on display. 

Following the warm-up we then carried on for a 1/3 mile lap. This naturally produced the Ken's best shot as he captured YHC running alongside Thug like a couple of young (well not Thug) wild stallions with flowing mane's (again, not Thug) blowing in the breeze. You're welcome America. With now enough material to end the magazine for life, the Ken departed. Off to his next RC race.

The rest of the work out was boring as the Ken was no longer present to bring out the heat and passion most models crave. Partner up for some Dora that included sprints, 'Mericans, Squats and LBCs. It also included NiteStick dropping a piece of his body at midfield. Passed it through his hind quarters.

Once complete the PAX took off for some rock work that included the always appreciated bear crawl. Oh and there was a 10sec. Airborne Mind Bender. Best exercise of the day. 

To complete this faux workout, Moses stepped in to Q Mary and some yoga. Please reference the above "Beefy" comment to visually understand the level of yoga that was being performed. At one point, the former Nantaan, now dark and soiled co-Q yelled out something along the lines of "reach back and grab it you pu**ies". Not sure what he was referring to but this is verbatim.

Since Capone was rather lifeless at that point from weeks of endless posting*, the workout was ended. Aussie took us out with a redeeming COT. If he was not there, F3 may have ended that day.


Thanks Moses for the co-Q. What you brought to the basin years ago has evolved to this. You should be so proud… I guess.

Pierogi was testing out some new material on his peers. Not quite Dad jokes, but close to hiroshima. Keep working man. The circuit is a grind. 

Jethro came in late on a fly bye after dropping DriveThru. My guess is he wishes he hadn't just like Jazz Hands liekly regrets the purple gloves purchase.

Uncle Rico tried to overcome his shortfall after being out Rico'd by the Ken, by lifting a planet during rock work. Solid effort. 

Big Mean dropping a Ginuwine beat was a major highlight. Voice of an angel. Even brought out a few O faces. 

Definitely cannot wait for all the questions circulating as a result of the Currents article asking when F3 welcomed the first female. Thanks Freepass.

Thanks, Olive for saving my ass and bringing the shovel flag. The one presented has a lot more meaning.

I appreciate the support of the PAX Sat. morning. Lord knows I had no business getting out of bed, but you all pushed me to be there. The brothers of F3 are always good for a guilt trip that provides the needed push to get better.

Pickle 66, I mean, LKNBRR is Nov. 3-4. Come join us to run around the basin and party after. Volunteers needed as well.