Modified Murph

Event Date

May 17, 2018


5 of Cobalt's finest made it out for the Modified Murph…


High Knees, Butt Kicks, Karyoke, SSH x 25, Windmills x15, Cherry Pickers x 15

The Thang:

Run to the Gazebo

10 sets of the following exercises:

  • Decline Merkins x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC
  • LBC's x 20 IC

Run back to base

Mary:  all inclusive


  • Pax admires the new, pristine parking lot and started a petition for the HOA to put up pull up bars!
  • Q's daughter got home after midnight from an excursion she was on, so Q, like a good dad was up when she got home, very close to fart sacking….
  • Q laughed last couple of days, late nights and early am's must be getting to him.  Twister looked suprised when Q said, "Hey Hog, how's the family?"   
  • Look like some new Q's in the works with Twister and Surf and Turf.  Twister gets the consistency merit badge this week!  
  • A lot of grunting noises from pax during the 8th, 9th, and 10th sets of the decline merkins!
  • Ants evidently had a feast this am, loved us when doing the LBC's.  Q must be pretty tasty…
  • Well done men!  200 decline merkins, 300 squats, 400 LBC's
  • You guys are Manimals!
  • It was an honor gents!